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Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles – ColLaboratory Vernissage

Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles – ColLaboratory

Natalia Blanch, Atinka Di Muro, Alice Dittmar, Ulla Hase, Timo Herbst, Kiran Katara, Ulrike Mohr, Katja Pudor, Oliver Thie, Nicole Wendel, Philip Wittmann


Fri 17 Jan 6 – 9pm

Sat 15 Feb 5 – 8pm

opening hours
17 Jan 2024 – 15 Feb 2025
Wed – Sat 2 – 6 pm
and by personal appointment

frontviews at HAUNT
Kluckstraße 23 A Yard
D – 10785 Berlin

more info

The exhibition Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles – ColLaboratory is a dialog of drawings through the exchange of the six members of the frontviews collective and berlin-based artists Katja Pudor, Nicole Wendel, Alice Dittmar, Timo Herbst, Oliver Thie, and Ulrike Mohr with the five brussels-based artists Kiran Katara, Atinka Di Muro, Natalia Blanch, Ula Hase and Philip Wittmann.

It was and is their intention to pursue a path beyond geographical distances for the start of their project with the title Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles and thus to generate a foundation for transregional exchange and forms of sharing.

Their individual works were presented in the exhibition Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles starting on September 5th 2024 at Odradek XL, in Brussels. Performances, video screenings, and discussions took place during the exhibition. 

For the second part, another exhibition is taking place in HAUNT; frontviews’ base in Berlin.

This project is process-focused and will be continuously documented.